How to Ease Anxiety | Know When You Need to Take Things Slowly -- Here are Seven Ways to Help


I am not a medical doctor.  Please contact a medical doctor for your long-term care regimen or immediately if you are in severe distress.

Dealing With Divorce Anxiety

You've heard it numerous times; dealing with divorce is like dealing with death.  

If you're going through it right now or have gone through it in the past, you know this is a very true statement.  You may have felt great yesterday, waking up with the shining sun and a huge smile on your face.  Today, not so much.  You want to dive back under the covers and pretend like you don't need to participate in the world today.  It's okay, you probably need to take it slow right now because energies have an ebb and flow and you don't want to stress yourself out.  

Anxiety is defined by the Mayo Clinic as intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and feeling tired may occur.

It doesn't have to be anything big that causes #anxiety, just a bunch of little stuff like:

  • Can I get the kids to school and myself to work without stopping for gas this morning?
  • What am I going to wear today?
  • Is there enough bread for sandwiches?
  • How will my son feel if I tell him we need to skip practice today?  He's already skipped once last week.
  • What will I do for dinner today?
  • Did I pay my cellphone bill?

Yes, it's the little foxes that destroy the vine of your nerves.

Everyone feels it from time to time, and there are a number of reasons why it is okay for you to take frequent breaks, especially in light of a recent break up or major lifestyle change.  Here are a few:

  1. A new disease called #Covid-19 has been unleashed onto our society, possibly from the lab of a government-backed maniacal scientist.  We don't know what this is!
  2. You're feeling the energy/stress of everyone around you.
  3. If you don't have children that have caused you to rearrange your life during this pandemic, you likely know someone who does and they want you to help them!
  4. If you are dealing with divorce or a break up on top of all else that is going on in 2020, you deserve a break today, and I don't mean at McDonalds.
  5. You had to take in a family member, temporarily.

Learn how to manage stress in productive ways.

There's a Lot Going On These Days.  Take It Easy On Yourself!

Those of you who have read my book Broken Heart(AD) already know that I am the consummate list maker.  It helps me to delineate what I need to do, step by step.  I know that if you don't get a handle on stress right now, it only gets worse and we don't want that, now do we?

There have been numerous times when reading a romance or parental blog put a smile on my face and helped me to get through the day.  It's like someone understands when everyone around you seems not to.  Trust me, I understand.

I'm not going to suggest that you run around the block, or go out with friends or anything like that because I know you don't want to do that right now.  Here are a few little things you can do to make yourself feel better right away:

  1. Breathe.  Even now you realize you haven't taken a deep breath in a while.  Try it and get some much needed oxygen into your system.
  2. Cry.  Give yourself a time limit -- 5 minutes.  On your mark, get set, now go!
  3. Take the day off from work or go in later.  Even if you have to get the kids to where they need to go, it'll be easier to do this if you take some time for yourself.  You DO have a medical reason, your mental health!  Taking off a day or two won't destroy your life.
  4. Drink some chamomile tea(AD).  Chamomile is known to promote rest, help digestion, relieve anxiety and the list goes on.
  5. Stretch out your back.  Touch your toes....your chakras are all aligned up and down your spine.  Stretching will help you get the kinks out of your energy and will cause you to feel better.
  6. Set up an appointment with a reputable therapist or spiritual counselor.  Sometimes having a listening ear or being imparted into can help give you the boost you need.
  7. Listen to a guided meditation on YouTube.  There are plenty of them -- just type in what you are struggling with and put 'guided meditation' right after it.
Here's to your mental health!