Biobot Romantic Programming in America -- The MERGE vs the PURGE -- Why We Need to WOKE Up.

This is Primarily a Blog or Ezine About Getting Over Divorce, But...

Now that I am pretty much okay except for PTSD from my life on Earth in general [and I am 11 years post the divorce that prompted this ezine], I want to get on to related topics. One thing I have learned over the years is that a little girl needs the unconditional love of her dad. If she doesn't get that, she will diligently search for it in whoever reminds her of her dad. This can be deadly.

However, as I have learned about partnership; faced, soothed and buried my inner child; and realized we are on an animal planet and are 98.5% ape; I am now interested in what I am seeing in American media regarding black love. Why does it seem to be an utter sin to see a brown man with a brown woman in a brown family on social media, TV and movies?

The 'Merge' Biobot Program is Raging in Today's American Romance.

We know (since the advent of the electron microscope) that we are energetic biobots who are loose manifestations of the Electrical Conscious Current. Since there is no real definition of matter other than it being slow moving energy, we realize that as energy beings, we are programmed not only by what we perceive with our known senses, but also by what we experience with the senses that have not yet been discovered. This makes us highly programmable.

It seems that in today's media visual programming, if a young black man does not have a white or latina woman by his side, he is doing something wrong. Please understand, I have absolutely NO problem with interracial dating or marriages, but to purposely visually program everyone to do it is wrong. Let every man and woman be persuaded by their own energetic minds.

So where do the black and brown women go and what do they do because there are much fewer movies, commercials and TV shows depicting black women with men of other races? Besides, many black women are afraid of white men because they think white men kill the wives instead of leaving them. According to the CDC in 2009, "Among women 25–44 years of age, non-Hispanic white women have the highest percentage that have ever been married (84%) and non-Hispanic black women have the lowest percentage that have ever been married (56%)."

This statistic is staggering and scary, and as a black woman who has dated white men and KNOW how negatively they feel about some white women, to promote this type of interracial mixing is based on untruths, and it tells black women they are not the prize. This is not all.

Black women have resorted to prayer, hoodoo and magic to conjure men because society is clearly saying they do not want anymore dark brown children in America. And since we do not have a systematic way to properly teach the arts of conjure or to mentor up and coming root workers, this leads to a lot of women NOT knowing what they are doing, which tends toward the propagation of demon-possessed zombies and fatherless kids.

Who gets together to decide these trends? Media moguls with sanction and approval from the government and other powers.

Some Are Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands.

Pretty soon black children who look black may become as scarce as redheads in America. According to the March of Dimes:  "Of all live births in the United States during 2018-2020 (average), 23.7% were Hispanic, 52.1% were white, 15.2% were black, 0.8% were American Indian/Alaska Native and 6.8% were Asian/Pacific Islander." Some of you may be saying, "That is in line with current statistics so what is the problem?" The problem is that number is not growing like the latina numbers.

Now, I will admit this could be due to the fact that many more latinas are catholic and do not use birth control or practice abortion. It could also have to do with many Planned Parenthood locations in communities of color. It may have to do with the feminization of the black man resulting from the mass incarceration of their fathers, and it definitely is due to the epidemic of overpolicing neighborhoods of color. In any case, all this proves is that this war is even deeper than media publications.

So what is considered to be a black baby? Likely, vital statisticians are going by the mother's info on birth records and we already know the rule:  of the 15.2% black babies born, many of them have a smidgeon of blackness, which gets them classified as black, because virtually no African-American is 100% black anymore. 

The good news is African-Americans are coming up with other ways to connect with other African-Americans to keep the ultraviolet blue and chocolate flowing. In the meantime, we are depending on Africans to prevent the Annunaki from completely destroying us for eradicating their own kind, who actually are not brown or black, but blue.

What is the Answer?

We must face a hard truth that many black men have suffered because of race and they don't want their children to be black. Therefore they willingly and purposefully plant their seed in white women, with the approval of movies and commercials mentioned above. One of the answers is to stop persecuting black men, which makes them less likely to want to produce a black child.

Ending the persecution of black men will directly reduce domestic violence in the black home. Abused people hate themselves and those around them. This leads to a generational legacy of emotional and mental health problems, divorce, child abandonment, crime, etc. Promoting media and educational campaigns showing black love within the black family is crucial in keeping the black family together and happy.

Many of us have seen immigrants arrive in the U.S. with absolutely NOTHING, and within a matter of months, they have debit cards, bank accounts, asylum, jobs, green cards, citizenship, houses, vans, businesses, churches, schools, etc., due to refugee benefits received from the United States government. Conversely, black people have been treated as terrorists even though we also should be given refugee status due to the hundreds of years we have suffered and are still suffering in America from kidnapping; loss of inheritance/titles due to our ancestors being unpaid for 100s of years of stolen wages; abuse and murder at the hand of racists groups; and emotional, mental, financial and physical oppression at the hands of the United States judicial and political systems. This topic alone could be another book, human era, UN goal, etc., but instead many want to ignore this and not be #woke.

In conclusion, everyone should stop saying 'race' is not a real thing but a mental construct. Race is very much a real thing and many of us have suffered greatly due to this so-called mental construct and how it affects the human psyche and actions. We do not want to demonize any race so each show that wants to mix it up, should add at least one white couple, one black couple, one asian couple and one latina/native couple to the mix.  That is six more actors to pay if you take out one mixed couple from the roster.

An accolade must be given to all media producers who promote natural hair and blackness, particularly automobile manufacturers in car commercials and fast food restaurant owners. They've done a pretty good job promoting black beauty in their media productions.

It is important, in art, to show the world ALL possibilities, not just one that is purposely promoted to support unhealthy national agendas. This prevents each group of people from demonizing each other, especially from within their own races.