The Miss Universe Mistake Was Not A Mistake (Why Spirit May Have Decrowned Colombia on International TV)

Everybody knows there was a recent major mistake made at the most important international beauty pageant of all times, and my first thought was what did the host do in his life to lead him to such karma? Double Yuck!  I then was led by social media and internet to his angry ex wife.

I dealt with that in a separate post!

My second thought is what in the hell is going on in Colombia because there are no mistakes in the spirit realm, especially not on this level!!!!  I'll deal with it in this post!

Why did the Universe Decrown Colombia????  We have spent so much time thinking of the Middle East that we have been blinded and cannot see what is happening at our own back door.  Spirit works through people, using them as Archetypes that exemplify much larger Energies.  There are accusations of rape, forced abortion, children soldiers, stolen babies, genocide, etc. 

Who is caring for these stolen babies? 

Are they being sold in illegal adoptions?

Are these forced abortions leaving many women dead or infertile?

How has all of this taken a toll on the minds of women, especially from a PTSD standpoint, and are they getting the attention they need?

How is this genocide affecting the country's population?

How will all this affect the next generation of girls?

The UN has given themselves 15 years to tackle this and other worldwide human rights issues.  How in the heck will they deal with this?

In Miss Philippines' final answer, she expressed concern about the situations relative to her country because all countries have issues.  I did not hear this concern in Miss Colombia's answer, only that she represented what a latina woman is????  Perhaps she feared for her life, however Steve's mistake brings an audience to this post and to Colombia!

Steve Harvey must have been praying that he would be used by god to help women -- be careful what you pray for!  Your mistake was ordered.

If any of the info below is true, all Colombian women should boycott pageants in protest if they are not using it as a platform for change!

Miss Colombia's Final Answer???  Be sure to listen to Miss Philippines also!

Decades of War -
Crimes Against Women -- Rape, Forced Abortion, Stolen Children, and Child Soldiers